Sometimes we get caught up in believing the strength we have acquired by enduring issue after issue is what defines us. But it's not. The soul is not easily defined because it is ever-changing, constantly learning and growing with each lesson. So there could not be a single instance or a single circumstance to serve as a defining moment for your soul.
Read MoreMy pain has made me clear. My trauma and grief have set me free. But only because I was willing to embrace the lesson that only can come in emotional introspection of the past and our present emotional state. I am not afraid of what comes now in this after, because I have unpacked my before. I’m not yet unburdened of my saddens and I may never be.
Mothering is a bigger job than we all expect it to be. All we know about it is that most of us grew up with a mother, and I believe that we begin as young adults gauging our readiness for motherhood based on how prepared we believed our mothers to be upon initiation. And, I think that is where we falter.
Read MoreAlmost every professional I am working with feels misunderstood in their work environment. It doesn't seem to matter what their workplace provides to overcome the disconnection between corporate culture and the millennial age, from mindfulness practitioners, access to therapy to virtual yoga classes, or affinity groups specifically for those of color. And, sitting in a therapist's office via Zoom these days rarely addresses the work-life imbalance. Today's millennials are seeking spiritual guidance.
Fear is always at the center of everything with most people. Whatever is going wrong in your life, there is fear. Whatever level they wish you to compete at professionally, fear exists. Even when it comes to relationships, fear exists somewhere in the situation if you are not happy.
At some point, we have to stop and ask ourselves, “how does looking outside of ourselves heal the inside?We often look to these external actions like guidance, bodywork, talk therapy, and energy work as the definition of growth rather than an access point. However, any external practice is only as successful as it produces a change in your mindset, not just your actions. So, for example, if you show up slimmer or more relaxed with the same pattern of thought that kept you stuck, your energy is unchanged.
Their awareness of their child’s vibration creates a mirror for their actions. If enlightenment becomes a reality, it is because the mother took action and allowed their child to be a conduit for creating new emotional awareness and improving the soul pattern of the lineage. All empathic mothers have a better chance at disrupting severely traumatized lineages based on their awareness of the emotional impact.
In this season, the moon allows you to hone in on the changes that you need internally. This season is critical because you will likely see the changes you haven’t made create chaos in your outer world. The difference you need to see in your life will be obvious and pretty significant if you hope to balance things and get on the road to feeling good and abundant.
Honestly, most boundary-setting conversations start poorly, which is why the result is disconnection. The outcome of a boundary conversation should always be a deeper connection to who you are by expressing what feels most aligned for you. Instead, we often began difficult discussions as if it is our one chance to show up authentically.
Read MoreGrowth is not what you think it is. When people think about change, they always think of the outcome of desire, a place beyond the inevitable struggle that makes growth available. Everyone loves to hate Mercury Retrograde for apparent reasons. People that don't even follow astrology know and understand the dangers of the planet Mercury slowing down.
Read MoreWe must recognize how the previous lessons that we either refused to accept or where oblivious to see create the reality of love we currently exist in. I would venture to say that the true key to manifesting love, is having a keen awareness of the maturity it takes to accept another soul being intertwined with yours. It should be lost on no one that love is called a “union of two souls”.
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None of your YouTube settings, your favorite spiritual authors, or influencers are speaking to your specific issues. Everyone does what they can do to stay on their chosen pathway. For those that are seeking spirituality, there is no shortage of information that exists about the topic. But, do those issues address your specific issues? Your destructive flaws?
Consider now the things you want in your life and the things you desire in your life versus the things you resist doing. For example, have you identified that you truly desire more abundance this year, but you have not committed to the process of getting clear? What steps could you take today to get unblocked?
Read MoreWhen you invest in a branding coach, and you leave it all up to them, your voice gets lost in the process. Ultimately you need to be the energetic force driving your creative abilities to the forefront. Branding coaches are only concerned with mission, legacy, goals, but that has nothing to do with your divine designation.
In trauma, many adverse conditions and characteristics control the daily life of this unhealed soul. Many people can relate to Munchhausen's Syndrome as an extreme example of the wounded mother, but this is not the only way this persona interacts. Certainly, unhealed wounded souls negatively affect the people around them. But the wounded mother stands out because there is a severe impact on the children she bears.
Read MoreLove isn’t as natural as it once was to attract, or so it seems. Millennials have changed what it means to be in a relationship and define yourself as an individual. Honestly, our parents didn’t prepare us for attracting relationships and creating a connection on the Internet.
Read MoreIn transition, we must allow ourselves to be reflective of the changes we need to make to make our pathway easier. I find that so many people cling to what is negative in hopes that the light they seek will shine on them and thereby illuminate their situation. And, it can give you clarity but when you think about generations of discord, and not being intentional for the next generation, it’s hard to sit still and expect levity.
The words empathy, intuition, and spirituality are all utilized very loosely, and it's akin to the nature of all worldly things in that to truly become something, you somehow need to own it. This idea is the premise of how modern-day society was developed. Access ultimately means ownership; this is why spiritual enthusiasts are desperate for true masters of spirituality to make it relatable and applicable to their daily lives
Read MoreTarot can be helpful if you understand it. One aspect people are not clear on is the difference between the metaphysical and the spiritual, this is where the false start with tarot begins. This distinction is important because although tarot can be placed under the umbrella of spiritual practice; it depends on how you prepare yourself and the cards for the reading that determines the nature of the practice.
Read MoreThe truth lives in all of us because we are descendants of the divine. We have allowed our egos to skew and diminish our soul truths, for we must be fully connected to remember. When we are incarnate, we suffer each lifetime and get farther and farther away from the truth.
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