I reflect on the profound journey of guiding a client through a 14-day emotional clarity challenge. The focus was to help them come to terms with their ADHD diagnosis—a revelation that reshaped their self-understanding and led me to explore the intricate interplay between medical diagnoses, personal narratives, and spiritual healing.
Read MoreSince the pandemic's sudden upheaval and forced isolation, many have become more terrified of the unknown, clinging to the need for validation as a defense against the unpredictable—preferring to affirm their beliefs rather than accept a reality that feels harsh or even a hopeful outcome if it requires uncomfortable change beyond their current level of self-awareness.
Read MoreIntuitive guidance, defined most simply, is the advice offered by someone with the gift of seership, the ability to feel and perceive energy, the ability to channel the unseen realms or mediumship. These individuals are able to sense and view events, people, and circumstances that have occurred in the past, present, or future without preexisting knowledge or physical experience.
People typically seek this type of guidance when they have a huge problem when they feel stuck in life and cannot decipher the roadblock that is holding them back from what they desire.
Read MoreBut the problem with normalization of spirituality is that millennial culture has aimed to water it down or demystify it in ways that offer easy access to those with the authority issues of their generational religions. However this ease of energy has created a double edged sword in that the dilution has left the gate open for frauds and those seeking to utilize ancient practices in ways that effectively harm them and also, positions intrusive guidance as a form of escapism.
As someone who identifies as an empath, I often encounter first-time clients who don't fully grasp what an empath does. They tend to confuse empathy with compassion. Many people seek out empaths because they believe they won't be judged. Unfortunately, this belief sometimes leads to arrogance and emotional dumping, rather than a willingness to receive guidance and support from the empath.
Intuitive guidance has become an experimental act of rebellion, more than a method of deeper connection to the esoteric world. Most people who enter the realm of guidance seek validation but also seek to hold a sense of authority that cannot exist in a spiritual experience. These authoritative tendencies block the inability to learn.
Read MoreThe practice is not the hard part. The practice is easier when you have removed the conflict in your beliefs. The difficulty in the work correlates to your ego states being preferable. Spiritual obligations are only a burden for those in a state of resistance, and generally some degree of fear.
Read MoreFear is always at the center of everything with most people. Whatever is going wrong in your life, there is fear. Whatever level they wish you to compete at professionally, fear exists. Even when it comes to relationships, fear exists somewhere in the situation if you are not happy.
My approach to intuitive guidance for others has always been through the Akashic Records because it provides a very clear direction to healing and clarity. Psychic readings are what the average person believes all forms of spiritual guidance are. A place where we can bring forth a myriad of aimless questions to satisfy our own questions; while assuming that asking questions is fostering a sense of spiritual connection.
Read MoreIntuition development for empaths, mediums, and those with raw psychic ability is essentially helping another person learn to connect to themselves on a soul level. And, there is no exact script or narrow pathway to achieving it. Learning to meditate, be more intentional, and connect with Spirit at will is as daunting as rewarding.
Read MoreThe important thing is not how you relate to or define trauma to make it comfortable for you to accept the hurt, pain, or obstacles you have experienced in this incarnation, but to know that trauma is not held in a singular aspect of our lives. We can have many traumatic experiences or situations in our lives that, over time, block us from who we really are. It is our inability and our unwillingness to identify and release the trauma that keeps us emotionally blocked.
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