Life of an Empath

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What is Intuitive Guidance? Pt. 2

The level of disregard for intuitive guidance I notice within the spiritual community is shocking to me most days; other days, I spend a lot of time disheartened by the level of trauma within the modern age of humanity that would be so dismissive of a vital life resource. 

What I am coming to realize after meeting varying levels of skeptics is many people do not understand the power of intuitive guidance and are unwilling to surrender their deep-seated connection to their trauma and subsequent authority issues to realize that the most profound healing is available through spiritual or intuitive  guidance.   

Several years ago, I wrote a blog article defining intuitive guidance, and I am pondering the necessity of revising it annually as I continue to internalize what it means for me in any given year. The persistent thought that bothers me endlessly is why we have become a culture that disbelieves what has existed since the beginning of time and dares to demand infinite forms of evidence for universal truths when they exist in abundance everywhere we are, on any given day. While we run to the internet in droves and support the biggest thieves, racists, and other sketchy figures looking for inspiration, only to be massively disappointed when their true identity is revealed.

Intuitive guidance, defined most simply, is the advice offered by someone with the gift of seership, the ability to feel and perceive energy, the ability to channel the unseen realms or mediumship. These individuals are able to sense and view events, people, and circumstances that have occurred in the past, present, or future without preexisting knowledge or physical experience.   

People typically seek this type of guidance when they have a huge problem when they feel stuck in life and cannot decipher the roadblock that is holding them back from what they desire: to connect with someone from the other side, to gain a deeper understanding of esoteric knowledge, and, on the highest level, to intercede and change the outcome. 

Through the ages, people who believe in higher beings, the universe, and spiritual matters have come to intuitive guides for help

Intuitive guides offer help.

In this modern age, it's becoming increasingly evident to me and other authentic spiritual guides that we are being grossly misused and mistreated by those who do not believe and seek to exploit what they do not understand. 

As more knowledge is spread on the internet, skeptics who would never have sought out a guide are now doing so as entertainment. I have never heard so many people greet me with, "I would like to discuss…"

Because how do you "discuss" your situation with a spiritual guide?

But hey, the world after 2020 is a very peculiar place.  And it seems almost necessary and imminent that another freakishly global event must occur to restore universal balance.  Though you wouldn't need a psychic to predict that, a peek at any sacred texts through the ages will tell you it's coming. 

On a personal note, intuitive guidance has enlightened me, as a lightworker, in ways I could have never found inside a book I could purchase on Amazon.  It has been a line of a more direct connection to Spirit and the key to unlocking and experiencing my spiritual gifts viscerally, and at one time, I did not think possible.  It has helped me gain a more authentic and more applicable understanding of the concept of karma, the law of attraction, shadow work, spiritual themes, and lessons on how to differentiate between realms and when and how to seek out specific types of information.

Intuitive guidance has been the critical element in connecting the trauma I have experienced to my soul's purpose. It has taught me fundamental lessons about growth, acceptance, gratitude, and how we come to join our specific ancestral lineage. This journey of personal growth and healing has been empowering and has motivated me to continue seeking and sharing intuitive guidance. 

There will never be a connection that surpasses the one I have with Spirit, and for this, I am deeply grateful. This sense of appreciation and connection is something that everyone can experience through intuitive guidance, and it is a powerful and enriching experience.

Intuitive guidance is the thread that allows you to view yourself in this incarnation while simultaneously viewing Spirit's perspective of you and getting a glimpse at who you will become. 

That said, I understand.  Intuitive guidance is not for everyone. 

However, if you choose the path of Spirit, it does require many things to access what few experience from the other side while present in this incarnation.   It is by grace that every time I sit down for a client session, the Spirit shows up to present me with the past or the future or some profound soul-level truth about the person seeking guidance.  Each time, I come eager to surrender to help someone who feels lost and cannot see their way through their circumstances. 

Every day, during every session, I sit to read for another, and I learn a new lesson. 

More and more, I accept that many people's beliefs keep them confined to their circumstances and not more abundant. Understanding what you believe is the prerequisite to intuitive guidance, and this is most likely why you cannot understand the universal truths: You have yet to seek to understand yourself. 

It's not that you need more evidence; you need to realign your first step towards self-awareness.

After all, your beliefs can only carry you as far as you allow them. 

If you are ready to embark on a soulful journey to the ultimate truths, to harness light for the greater and universal good? Then
 schedule some time with me, and let's see if we can travel this road together.