Spiritual Awakening 101: Using the Akashic Records as Your Compass

A spiritual awakening can feel like stepping into the unknown—an exhilarating yet sometimes overwhelming experience that shifts your perception of reality. As you awaken to higher consciousness, you may seek guidance on how to make sense of this journey. This is where the Akashic Records come in. These records, containing the energetic imprint of your soul’s entire existence, are not a validation tool or to be used the same way you would engage in tarot or a pendulum, but a dimension of consciousness that helps aid your awakening by offering your most sacred truths when read by an Akashic Records practitioner. By tapping into the Akashic Records, you can gain deeper insights into your soul’s path,  discover attributes about your abilities as a creative, and any spiritual gifts you may possess which empowers you to move through this transformative time with confidence and direction.

A massive aspect of leaning into your spiritual awakening is acknowledging the need for guidance and releasing the desperation to validate that you are doing everything right and every circumstance is some form of synchronicity.  The nature of most spiritual things will come with a subtlety that will have you second-guessing yourself and make you feel like you are a passenger in your own mind, and this is often the right time for a bit of guidance. Receiving guidance from the Akashic Records can offer profound clarity, helping you piece together the puzzle of your spiritual journey by revealing insights that feel both familiar and deeply resonant. As the veil of confusion lifts, you better understand your soul’s purpose, allowing you to move forward with more peace, direction, and trust in your path.  As a practitioner of the Akashic Records for over a decade now, I realize how the fear of spiritual awakening can express itself in many forms.  Some people welcome the shift in their consciousness and the calling for more self-awareness, a need to take a deeper look at their ancestral lineage, and an unbearable need to understand the next steps.  However, these feelings are often underlined by the fear of what may come to light when seeking spiritual guidance, particularly if you have had little spiritual focus or direction before you experience the shifts that make up a spiritual awakening.  Fear always leads us to seek ways to feel more in control.  Fear tends to be more identifiable because it's reactive—something felt in response to an external or perceived threat. Control is a less articulated emotional response that people use to manage or suppress fear. It's as if the impulse to control reflects our deeper fears, emerging from a need to create stability where there's uncertainty.

From this lens, we could say that many people are consciously aware of fear but not as aware of their need for control. Control may appear rational or justifiable, but it's often an unconscious reaction to feeling vulnerable or powerless. The reflexive process would involve examining how both emotions work in tandem. This means recognizing how fear leads to the desire for control and how attempts at control can be forms of resistance, preventing more profound healing and self-awareness. Experiencing the divergent energies during awakening often indicates the need to seek guidance and create pathways to open yourself to new possibilities. As you start to explore shedding old patterns and embracing a new form, it may feel urgent to invite change into your life. The Akashic Records are  best utilized as a  spiritual tool that can help us address these emotional layers by allowing us to access a higher perspective on the patterns of fear and control in our lives. 

We all crave a certain level of validation that helps us feel connected and relevant in this world. The Akashic Records, however, offer more than just validation. They are a powerful tool for transformation, providing information at a soul level from the perspective of your guides, or as we refer to them in the Akashic Records, your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones.   When we access the Records, we are seeking a higher perspective, one that guides us on how to release negative energy, transform our stories, and find alignment within the Light. This process, in turn, provides us with the cues for emotional maturity, allowing a simple conversation fueled by the Akashic energy to realign and enhance our perception of ourselves for growth. 

The Akashic Records also help us understand spiritual absolutes. In 2024, for most on the spiritual journey, the concept of absolutes often conflicts with the modern age’s conflict with authority—-specifically for those coming of age for their initial spiritual awakening. However, true seekers understand that surrendering to the Light is the key to the ascension available to those who have been enlightened. The absolute truths that exist in the Akashic Records relate to every soul at all times from the higher level of consciousness. 

Here are a few examples of the connective truths that we are all tethered to:

  • The unseen goes far beyond what we can comprehend, revealing layers of depth and meaning that often escape our immediate perception.

  • We are all connected, connected and contained by the Light. 

  • We each carry the essence of the divine within us, though each expression is unique even when it resembles another.

  • Karma isn’t about reward or punishment; it’s the natural flow of cause and effect, where every thought, action, and intention creates ripples that shape the experiences we encounter. It’s a cycle of energy returning to us in the form we’ve set in motion, guiding our growth and understanding.

The Akashic Records do not simply hold the sacred truths of our incarnation and past lives but can teach us much about the nature of the human experience, what our emotions mean, and how to navigate our purpose here on Earth.  To truly grasp the knowledge and perspective of the Akashic Records is to envision an astral library that holds the story of every soul's journey—past, present, and potential future. Imagine checking out a book about you, with every chapter detailing your current life and past lives, lessons learned, and the paths you could take moving forward. These records are always available, providing timeless wisdom and insight to help you navigate life's challenges and spiritual growth.

Here’s my truth: the most significant lesson that the Akashic has given me is that it made the reality that there is purpose in everything undeniably tangible, particularly regarding unpacking purpose under challenging relationships. These relationships, often seen as obstacles, are in fact the key to understanding our purpose. Understanding our past is literally a matter of willingness to pull back the curtain. Everything we have ever been is within reach, and it will serve to help us if we can surrender.

The Akashic Records await you.  The infinite things you may seek on your journey can all be found there, it is the dimension of consciousness that not only guides us in this life as we surrender to its guiding principles is also the place we return to review each life.   No time but the present to utilize this dynamic perspective to start unpacking your awakening in whichever way it is manifesting and begin to heal your childhood wounds, your relationship with finances (energy), and connect more purposefully to those in your life you struggle accepting whether it is a partner, or even your extended family. 

Often the compass we need, we hold in our hand, but we simply do not understand how to read it.  The Akashic Records is like that compass, and the guidance you wait for is here. 

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If you have been looking for an empathic intuitive guide to help you navigate your spiritual awakening or emotional roadblocks, if you are longing to develop your empathic ability but don’t know where to start, let’s connect here to see if we can travel this road of enlightenment together-ly.