5 steps towards spiritual clarity

Spiritual clarity -- what is it?

Spiritual clarity is what I think we all hope we are seeking on the spiritual journey. It is our underlying reason for the initial stages of seeking that often gets clouded by our circumstances, our daily habits, and our emotions. When we consider the amount of mental clutter we have, our pursuit of clarity and enlightenment often gets thwarted for relief and validation that we are doing things the right way. 

I believe spiritual clarity is an awareness of growth in the psyche, in the being, and within all aspects of connection. It is a soulful state where emotions are balanced and none veering too far in either a positive or negative direction. It is a realized truth in the being and the being of others, and it promotes consciousness, conscious living, and conscious actions.

What spiritual clarity is not

Spiritual clarity is the cumulative effect of your actions based on the guidance and lessons you learn along your spiritual journey. 

But the clarity, or enlightenment that we experience only benefits us if it leads to decisive action, and we utilize the tools we gain as a way of life. In my experience, we seek the spiritual journey when we are in trouble and are only looking for answers rather than a means to tap into our spiritual nature. In essence, when we get the answer, we seek or get a sense of validation for our circumstances; we run back to our ego state of being and resist our connection.  

I have observed many that find themselves stagnant in spirituality because of the stop and start in connecting to the guidance and not yielding to the highest recommendation for moving forward on their spiritual paths. Many want to feel in control of the journey, and in taking the do-it-yourself pathway, ego presents a difficult challenge to overcome. And though stopping and starting can lead to self-discovery, it rarely leads to spiritual clarity.

Having defined spiritual clarity as best we can, what to do next?

I believe the first step in connecting more profoundly is understanding what you are genuinely seeking. Spirituality is within all of us, but it is not always the pathway pursued in each incarnation.

Finding your pathway is as much a part of your spiritual journey as the process of waking up or acceptance. The path is the step that is required before all other aspects of your journey to fall in place. The pathway is your access point, the access point to yourself in your highest vibration. Your unique path to spirituality is the key to remembering who you are and is most certainly linked to other lifetimes.   

Here are five steps to help you on the path to spiritual clarity

1. Emotional clarity. This is the spiritual concept of knowing yourself and connecting with your being's deepest aspects to promote a greater spiritual connection to All That Is, the universal laws, and soul level truth. The more you can connect with yourself in clarity and void of overwhelming amounts of ego, the more connected you will become to everything. 

2. Know that you have a divine purpose. You have to know that you have a why, a distinct spiritual designation. Your soul purpose is your link to the divine, your destiny explained. It is the most essential part of your life experience that requires no explanation. Yet, it can be elusive. Elusive in the sense that the access point is not always clearly defined. Life purpose or soul purpose is mythically linked to passion. 

However, passion and purpose are separate. When you think purpose, mission, or spiritual designation, you will love many things, but there is only one thing you feel compelled to do. Your soul purpose will drive you in a way that will not always reveal the clarity of understanding. The soul purpose is the gravitational pull to a task that you will be unconsciously drawn to before there is complete awareness in your being. Any other desire will not meet your desire for this single duty; this is soul purpose.

3. Connect with your attraction point. To do this means to have clear self-awareness about your personal energy.   Energetically speaking, what you vibrate is all that you are capable of attracting. Self-awareness is critical to understanding life. To know who you are is vital to know what you are. To understand what you are is essential to know what you will become.   Awareness is key to the journey.  It allows you to see an undetermined destiny without losing yourself and compromising your humanity or your soul. The key to deeper self-awareness is acceptance.  

When you accept what you already are, you can change it and change yourself. Become more aware but also become more than what you are. Your existence then becomes more meaningful and more enjoyable because it allows you to be present. It gives you the freedom to be more understanding, to accept and hold the knowledge that each moment is purposeful. 

4. Create and maintain clear agreements.  Clear agreements are important so that you are aligned soulfully. A clear agreement is a pact you make with yourself to help you experience life more fully according to your soul’s nature and soul purpose. It is the action taken to protect the mind, body, and Spirit from conflicting energy, difficult circumstances, danger, and other adverse outcomes.  

Clear agreements uphold individual integrity and help you to stay mindful. Whatever you intend to do must be clear to have the success of achievement. When you are clear with the universe in what you desire, your energy meets like energy, and you can manifest according to your will. When you are unclear due to confusion or fear, you push your desires and opportunities out of your realm of attraction. This means you cannot manifest what you are negatively communicating. Only the opposite of your real desire is possible. If that is confusing for you, you understand it is confusing for your spirit guides, too, so you must be clear.

5. Spiritual practice.  You didn't think we could actually wrap these steps without talking about spiritual practice, did you? 

Spirituality is not complicated. It is a deep level of connection that lives inside of all of us. Activating this connection helps you maintain a soulful focus to have an anchor living apart from where you have traveled. We incarnate to learn and experience lessons for growth and perspective. Spirituality keeps us grounded so that you only connect to humanity as an experience nothing, nothing less. The experience will depend on how deeply you connect and bring greater knowledge and understanding to every word, thought, and action. For if we were solely relying on our humanity, your ego self, we would be lost.

Spiritual practice is necessary to connect to your innate divinity and All That Is. To know more about yourself soulfully, discover universal knowledge, and apply that knowledge in this life. 

The Akashic Records is a level of spiritual guidance that constitutes spiritual practice. The practice of connecting with your record opens the soul to limitless possibilities and the courage needed to advance in the soul's mission. The Akashic Records guide you fearlessly, without judgment, so that you can accept all aspects of yourself to increase the likelihood of a completed mission and soul level understanding. This wisdom is more than just facts; it is the universal connection to Spirit. 

What does all of this really mean?

Spiritual practice is necessary to achieve any sense of spiritual clarity. The spiritual practice seeks and receives the knowledge required to be fully equipped to fulfill your soul’s mission. Regular spiritual practice is the only way to experience emotional clarity, realize and stay in alignment with your soul purpose, maintain the right vibration for attraction, and be clear enough to make agreements that honor you and others. Needless to say, spiritual practice comes in many forms and is a considerable investment in time and energy. Spiritual practice is the key to spiritual clarity. Without spiritual practice, the lessons and knowledge you are meant to understand and receive will remain untapped, which means you stay in a constant state of ego.

In considering the mental clutter we have in our lives, we often get accustomed to dealing with the chaos. We underestimated the effect of constant discord creates mentally and in our physical being. We were not designed to be restless, in avoidance, and seeking things to develop anxiety.  

We uphold the clutter in our lives in the story that we tell ourselves, in the way we seek approval from others, in the habit of positioning ourselves as victims under challenging circumstances. In not being willing to overcome the mental clutter in our lives, we began to find mechanisms to thrive and exist within it. So we must ask ourselves,  what has an opportunity to grow in unacceptable conditions? When taking ourselves out of the growth equation and considering what it takes for a plant to grow and thrive or what it takes to raise a child to excel. Why would we not extend the same attention and care to ourselves?

 Understanding where you are emotionally and why you are holding on to and suppressing emotions rather than honoring where you are and taking a healthy route of processing them is the first step in spiritual clarity.  Once you know where you are, you have the power to change.  It starts with awareness and ends with acceptance.  The most faithful pursuit of the soul is peace. 

“If you are ready to embark on a soulful journey to the ultimate truths, to harness light for the greater and universal good? Then schedule some time with me, and let’s see if we can travel this road together.”

You can also sign up for the next session of Declutter the Mind: 5 Days to Spiritual Clarity here!

And check out these recent episodes of the podcast:

What are the Akashic Records?

Navigating Evolving Relationships Pt. 1

Surrendering to the Intuitive Possibilities