Life of an Empath

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What I am Still Learning as an Empath

This week, I had a profound realization: I have been tapping into the Akashic Records to serve others for a decade. My journey began with offering psychic readings several years before, but it was when I discovered the Akashic Records that I found a niche that felt aligned with my calling. Back then, I could never have imagined the boundless potential of the empathy within me. Yet, it continues to expand, surprising me each day with its depth and wonder.

What I find interesting is that many empaths I meet feel that realizing you are spiritually gifted is the ultimate destination. However, the awareness of the gift of empathy, clairvoyance, claircognizance, or mediumship isn’t a destination; it’s a lifelong journey of growth, change, and self-discovery. Just when you think you’ve mastered the art of understanding your emotions and learning to separate them from the natural way empaths absorb emotions from others, the universe reveals a new layer. Each new layer represents a new level of spiritual awakening, challenging you to dive further into the complexity of human emotion and guiding you towards your soul’s purpose and your inner devotion to Spirit. It’s a process of constant evolution—learning to navigate boundaries, distinguish your emotions from others, and face the discomfort of vulnerability. With each experience, you uncover more about your soul-level truth, discover hidden strengths, and confront personal limitations that prevent mental abundance and growth. Each day makes me more aware that living as an empath isn’t about arriving at some ideal state of understanding; it’s about embracing the ebb and flow of connection, learning, and transformation that comes with each interaction. And yet, it continues to expand, surprising me each day with its depth and wonder. 

As an empathic intuitive guide, I often find people who are drawn to work with me tend to assume that I have everything all figured out because of how I can read their situations.  However, I often remind those I guide that we never see our own circumstances as clearly as we do for others.  All that are blessed with spiritual gifts have limitations, and that serves to remind us of our humanity.  The deeper meaning of our humanity is relative to the lessons we must learn to ascend, and some of those lessons, due to their profound nature, will be lifelong, even with the tangible connection to the Spirit.  Our journey as empaths is unique, but not without the flaws that run through the veins of our collective consciousness. 

The Constant Evolution of Boundaries

Boundaries are essential for staying true to who we are, yet for the empathic soul, they can feel like the most difficult thing to uphold. Our deep compassion draws us into situations far greater than we anticipate, leaving us depleted as we prioritize others over ourselves. Recently, a client asked if I continue working with her despite her resistance to change because I knew she would eventually break free from her self-destructive patterns. My answer was simple: I help her because she asked. As empaths, we help because we feel compelled to, but the lesson lies in knowing when to say no, not because we don't care, but because we also matter.  My boundaries are tested often; as an empath, people know that I am willing to offer guidance and assistance, which is challenged not only in my work but also with family and friends.   I have learned through the years that it is important to stay clear about what I need and desire.   The concept of clear agreements has been instrumental in this.  These are the statements and promises that I make to myself to live my life more fully and not always feel like a slave to the needs of others.   It clarifies my goals and priorities and often pair them with my vision boards. 

Setting limits for others and learning to prioritize yourself but it gets easier with discovering your worth, but also understanding specific pathway to utilizing your gift as empath so that you aren’t constantly compelled to rescue those around you. 

The Unending Puzzle of Emotional Separation

Emotional separation as an empath is a skill that constantly needs attention.  As an empathic guide, I find it much easier to separate my feelings from those of a client seeking intuitive guidance.  Objectivity comes so much easier when you, as the empath, do not cross the path of the outcome of any situation.   However, emotional separation is tough when friends and family call on you for assistance.  It's incredibly challenging when you're in a disagreement with a partner or lover, and your emotions become intertwined, making it difficult to understand your feelings or why the disagreement even began. Regaining emotional clarity in highly charged situations is crucial if you want to prioritize your needs and assert your independence.     Emotional separation will often feel foreign as empaths are naturally adapted to cater to the needs and feelings of others.  The challenging aspect of learning to prioritize your needs and protect your energy from a constant state of absorption is that it leaves behind a haunting feeling that you are abandoning those that need you most, but also that you are becoming more egotistical, and neither is true.   Growth is learning to balance the ability to absorb others' emotions to live more connected to your divine purpose, but also accepting the state of your humanity and that offering yourself perpetually in service is emotionally exhausting and unhealthy.   I've learned that empaths manage emotional separation best when they offer their abilities within their work so that there is a clear start and finish time. It does not blur their personal circumstances and their romantic situations.  This does not mean that you will never aid others in need. Still, it creates a deeper level of awareness so that you realize as much as others that your personal boundaries are to be respected for your emotional well-being and to protect the integrity of your relationships.  The learning process of managing emotional separation is a journey that will inspire and encourage you.

Learning When to Step Back as an Empath

"No" is a complete sentence, and understanding that is one of the most liberating lessons for an empath. It’s a boundary that reminds us we are just as deserving of respect and compassion as those we help. However, while the act of saying "no" seems simple, the emotional toll of denying someone seeking support can pull relentlessly at our heartstrings. Empaths often second-guess their decision, sometimes even rescinding their "no" to meet others' needs. This emotional tug-of-war highlights where we still need to grow in emotional maturity.

Saying "no" is not only an act of self-respect but also a radical form of self-care. Yet, it’s a choice we must actively make—to protect our mental and emotional well-being, or to drive ourselves toward burnout, trying to be everything for everyone. When empaths fail to set boundaries and step back from absorbing others' emotions, they risk dysregulating their nervous system. Empaths have heightened sensitivity to emotional energy, and without proper self-care, they take on others' stress, anxiety, and pain, which can leave them feeling overwhelmed.

One reason many empaths struggle with self-care is that they may not fully understand their own abilities. They may not even realize they are emotionally depleted until it’s too late, often after extreme fatigue or emotional overload sets in. For example, an empath may feel burdened by a friend who frequently overshares about a toxic relationship. The empath might assume it’s the content of the conversation causing their exhaustion, when in fact, they’ve absorbed the other person’s negative energy. This dynamic often leaves the other person feeling better while the empath’s energy is drained.

Empaths going through a spiritual awakening must learn the importance of grounding. Without grounding practices, they remain stuck in others' emotional energy, disrupting their nervous system, making it difficult to relax or feel safe.

Even in my own client sessions, I frequently encounter situations where people ask for more of my energy than I can give. Each session is an hour, during which I pour all of my focus and intuition into offering guidance. Yet, it’s not uncommon for a client to ask, "just one more question" as time winds down. While this may seem harmless to someone who is not an empath, it rarely is. The extra question requires me to absorb new energy, feel my way through the answer, and articulate it fully. This drains my crown chakra, often resulting in painful migraines. As humans, we are not designed to stay in an elevated energetic state for extended periods. Prolonged exposure can lead to physical and emotional harm.

Learning to say "no" and set firm boundaries is a crucial skill for empaths, allowing us to honor our own needs while still offering meaningful support to others.  Answering the call of your spiritual awakening is a beautiful expression of life.  However, with every aspect of light in our situation it is important to be mindful of the shadows.   Clear agreements with yourself and prioritizing being mindful of your gift as an empath is the key to continuing to learn and grow, and successfully helping others without causing harm to yourself.  It is key to take self care practices seriously,  and learn to express yourself through your grounding gift,  to realize more joy and contentment, finding a balance that brings peace and less guilt. 

An empath is a lightworker on a rescue mission, but it's important for us to take care of our bodies and minds and protect our energy. Remember, a relaxed body is powerful, and feeling empowered often comes from setting firm boundaries and practicing self-care.

If you are an empath or an empathic guide struggling with boundaries and need a bit of guidance, schedule a session here.   You can also follow along and get my weekly soul lesson in your inbox here.