Life of an Empath

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I moved to Africa.

Hey Love!

You read that correctly; I moved to Senegal in West Africa.  For those of you that have followed my journey for a while, you know that this has been a dream of mine for quite some time. And, though I am 4 months behind schedule, I made it. Well, we made it. Because, of course, my hubby and the baby were in tow. If you’re freaking out right now, no worries it wasn’t that big of a move for me. Many of you know my hubby is Senegalese and after I fell in love with dear Senegal about three years ago, this transition has been on our radar. We are surrounded by family and lots of new adventures ahead. 

You may be wondering how I manifested this.  I say that because a lot of you ask me often about manifesting, so here's how it happened... First I wrote it down (clear intention). Then I’d like to say I worked my hiney off in 2017 (put a little energy towards it). But, it also meant a little thought work (clear decisions) about my business and career at large. That meant taking on a job of sorts (lol!) at a pretty radical company in Portland, Oregon as the Intuitive in Residence and locking down a Creative Manager. These two decisions led to some of the most abundant opportunities that I have had to date. 

And, it’s created a lot of long-overdue changes for my core business Diamond Disclosure. It’s also bringing me closer realizing other goals I have like a sold out retreat in first Bali (this year), and then West Africa (next year), more writing time, and real spiritual freedom.

For those of you that think those three steps to manifesting my dream of Africa was easy, it wasn't.  Ultimately, I had to raise my commitment level. I had let go of the word impossible, and I had to invest in myself fearlessly.  But more than that, I had to believe in myself. 

For instance, in 2017 I finally connected the dots with the cumulative benefit and affect of regular spiritual work.  When I made that realization, I took action. I stopped offering sporadic psychic readings and doubled down on regular monthly insights, group healing sessions, and my year-long intensive program.  Many of my clients thought I was nuts, and some are still trying to figure out why I am not offering readings whenever people want them. Honestly, it comes right back around to the word commitment.  Commitment results in transformation. And, I am currently the living testimonial for that!