Life of an Empath

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Soul Lesson: A Lunar Eclipse for Dreamers

I’ve been thinking about the concept of spiritual awakening lately. How some lean into it and answer its call to go deeper inside to the internal shifts and seek the support  that will change the trajectory of their lives.  While others sit inside of an internal state of confusion while still trying to make it up as they go along, relying on their masks (the facade) to carry them.  The interesting thing about the mask is it is fueled by the ego.  The ego can never be trusted.  It is the aspect of ourselves that is never working for us but always against us.  The mask can seem like a great survival tool, until it turns against you and reveals itself as a part of the shadow.   ​People who struggle with change are not those who lack the desire for it, but those who have worn the mask for so long that they cannot distinguish where it begins or ends. They cannot determine what is the last thing they know to be true as they have effectively deceived themselves as they have attempted to deceive others by controlling the narrative, the perspective others have of them. 

As we approach this eclipse season, the cosmic energy invites us to strip away these masks and face our shadow. It’s the next best opportunity to liberate yourself from the grip of your ego and awaken to your true essence.

This is your wake up call.  

Many of you won’t answer the call of your spiritual awakening.  And for those souls, I express my  grief for you in advance.   For this next level of awakening is for the dreamers.  That’s why  so many of the people I work with come to me believing that they are dreamers, healers, creatives, multi-passionate souls that are conflicted about the extreme stake of stuckness, needing a change and not moving forward.  

The dreamers are the strongest among us.  

They are the empathic souls, the intuitives, the ancestrally held beings that exist to inspire us and help us see ourselves more clearly, and they give us permission to experience life more completely.   And it is with this knowledge of your strength, Dear Dreamer, that I inform you that this eclipse season is coming to wreak havoc in your circumstances in the most intense way because you don’t have the option to ponder what needs to change, to internally negotiate with yourself about what you can keep the same, and why you are afraid to admit that you are lost and truly needed support 6 months ago.  Hasn’t it been hard?

But you are not alone, Dreamer. 

The new moon eclipse in 2011 pulled the plug on everything I had going on in my life that I was clinging to like a kid afraid to walk into school for their very first day.  I had been getting the signs for months that I was not moving in the right direction, that things needed to be shed.  I ignored the  physical discomfort, I remained stagnant in an unfulfilling relationship.  And when that wasn’t enough I tried to cure it by getting a new job and moving across the country still trying to keep the aforementioned stagnant and unfulling (read here toxic) relationship intact.   Oh, the fool I was. 

What I realize now that I didn’t in 2011 is I am not, and was not ever in control of anything. I could not want that relationship to improve, I could not make that partnership everything I wanted to be, because it only ever had one purpose.   And the moment that relationship brought me to the city I was destined to be in, it was over.   That relationship ended on the New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius in 2011.    It was abrupt,  it was literally Thanksgiving Day!  I had cooked for this man and all the people he invited to his “friendsgiving” and I never tasted a bite.   That chapter of my life was over. 

Actually it had been over, the moment I made the decision to relocate and signed my new job offer. 

Break ups are typical when it comes to eclipse season, as are other forms of big news and breakthroughs.   But more than sudden changes, eclipse season is coming to help you work through the uncomfortable lessons but they key to the shift, the positive at the end of this upheaval is that you must surrender

The people that rely on their beautifully adorned mask, the outward image that has remained unchanged for a decade, the people who have not redefined the word friendship, or the concept of connection, or expanded their interpretation of success in a decade, struggle with letting go.

Though in order to be, to dream more freely, Dreamer,  you must shed old patterns of compromising your feelings to please the needs of others and you must let go of the stronghold you have on how others perceive you. 

Honestly, it’s time for you to make a decision.  That’s what eclipse seasons are for; choices. 

Are you going to sit here in stuckness talking about the change you need? Or are you willing to peacefully release what does not bring light in your life, and what has left you stagnant and numb despite the hope you had that it would change?  That you would change it?

This eclipse season is about foresight. Seeing from an energetic perspective, from a soul-level perspective.  It’s about making the necessary changes for the person you hope to become and not the person you are existing as right now.  This time's for walking by faith and not your eyes.  It is a season for answering the deep yearning and calling for alignment. 

And to be honest, you might not have that discernment yet.   

For the one who dons the mask is the one who believes their ego state of mind is discernment.  But discernment is nothing if not the ability to yield to the spiritual expanse that encompasses us all. 

This lunar eclipse is a time for grounding, understanding clarity on a much deeper level, and having the courage to move through changes. Knowing there is a great purpose here, but it will reveal itself bit by bit, eclipse season is not a time for validation but soul-affirming transformation. 

Lunar Eclipse and Neptune

This eclipse season will be lighting up the Aries-Libra nodal axis waking up the needs of the self (Aries) and tethers we have to others (Libra).   

Specifically the lunar eclipse this week will be in Pisces, but working very closely with Neptune.  This is what will activate the intuitive, yet wild dreamer that lives within you.  The eclipse season is a full production drama with three acts, and this part of it will be about where you unpack the shame around not being enough, not moving quickly enough, not pursuing your goals and dreams in quick succession and witnessing how that feels in your body and how that shapes your inner dialogue. 

The first phase of the lunar eclipse becomes easier when you allow the Pisces-Neptune energy to flow through you like waves. With each ripple, it reveals something significant about your spiritual nature and divine connection, guiding you towards what truly matters.  And, I believe that relates to what you dream about, not what you are enduring. 

That’s exactly what happened to me in 2011.   That first layer of awakening was not easy, but it jolted me to start down a new path, it forced me to remember who I was on a soul level, and it removed what was not worthy to  stand beside me as I became the most authentic version of myself. 

Dear Dreamer, the time has come to make a choice. The lunar eclipse will ask you to shed the illusions you've clung to, to remove the mask, and face your deepest truths. The universe is offering you the perfect storm for growth, a moment to realign with your soul's purpose.

Are you ready to let go of the comfort zone that has kept you stagnant? Will you release the patterns and people that no longer serve your higher self?

Take a moment right now—journal your fears, meditate on your intentions, or simply sit in stillness to reflect on the changes you've been avoiding. This eclipse is not just an event in the sky; it’s a mirror to your soul.

Until next time and in the Light, 


If you're ready to explore the deeper aspects of your journey and need support in shedding the mask or clarifying your next steps, I invite you to schedule a consultation with me. Together, we can work through the resistance, uncover the lessons this eclipse season is offering, and create a path forward that aligns with your true self.

You don’t have to do this alone. Click here to schedule your session, and let’s begin your journey toward greater clarity and emotional healing.